Who is Mr Nix?
Today is Wednesday, and my day wasn't particularly good, I spent almost all day in the office, but didn't achieve much though. It doesn't happen always but it happens sometimes, rigth?
To be different today, I think I will write something about me, and a good starting point is to mention the reason I chose the nickname "Mr Nix" for this BLOG. I believe that my hair has a slight resemblance to the hair of guinea pig called Mr Nix. My hair rarely sees the comb and I don't visit the barber shop as often as people would like me to... ok, back to Mr Nix, well... I once admited Mr Nix as a patient when I was a Vet student (I was a veterinarian in my previous life, back in Mexico, before I became a Scientist).
I don't remember exactly what was wrong with him, I think it was some sort of respiratory problem. (You got to know that you can kill a guinea pig if you give them penicillin, since some antibiotics create an imbalance in the bacterial flora of the bowel and cause toxemia as a consecuence). So I took good care of him and Mr Nix lived many years to see great-grand-guinea-pig-kids. Anyway I hope you liked my story.
The next photo is not of Mr Nix, but of a distant relative, just to give you an idea or his looks.