Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Who is Mr Nix?
Today is Wednesday, and my day wasn't particularly good, I spent almost all day in the office, but didn't achieve much though. It doesn't happen always but it happens sometimes, rigth?

To be different today, I think I will write something about me, and a good starting point is to mention the reason I chose the nickname "Mr Nix" for this BLOG. I believe that my hair has a slight resemblance to the hair of guinea pig called Mr Nix. My hair rarely sees the comb and I don't visit the barber shop as often as people would like me to... ok, back to Mr Nix, well... I once admited Mr Nix as a patient when I was a Vet student (I was a veterinarian in my previous life, back in Mexico, before I became a Scientist).
I don't remember exactly what was wrong with him, I think it was some sort of respiratory problem. (You got to know that you can kill a guinea pig if you give them penicillin, since some antibiotics create an imbalance in the bacterial flora of the bowel and cause toxemia as a consecuence). So I took good care of him and Mr Nix lived many years to see great-grand-guinea-pig-kids. Anyway I hope you liked my story.

The next photo is not of Mr Nix, but of a distant relative, just to give you an idea or his looks.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Michael Buble

I can't believe it's over
I watched the whole thing fall
And I never saw the writing that was on the wall
If I'd only knew
The days were slipping past
That the good things never last
That you were crying

Summer turned to winter
And the snow it turned to rain
And the rain turned into tears upon your face
I hardly recognize the girl you are today
And God I hope it's not too late
It's not too late

'Cause you are not alone
I'm always there with you
And we'll get lost together
Until the light comes pouring through
It's when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When your world's crashing down
And you can't bear the cross
I said, babe, you're not lost

Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy but you're not
Things have seemed to change
There's one thing that's still the same
In my heart you have remained
And we can fly fly fly away

'Cause you are not alone
And I am there with you
And we'll get lost together
Until the light comes pouring through
It's when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
And the world's crashing down
And you can not bear the cross
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost